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As students get back into the school routine, some might feel like they lack the necessary study and productivity techniques to thrive. Good study habits create school success. Some useful tips are bel

1. Start the day with a workout. 

As simple as this seems, working out in the morning or at some point during the day can help boost productivity and energy. Even a short workout will have lasting effects throughout the day.  

2. Use a planner. 

Organizing due dates, projects and assignments in a planner removes the pressure to remember them. Sunday night or Monday morning is a good time to look through syllabi and plug the assignments into a planner. Jenna Herman, a junior Spanish major, finds it “really helpful to write things down” because she can “visually see what [she needs] to get done for the day/week.” Students will also be aware of the time needed to work on a project. 

3. Create to-do lists. 

When students plan their week, they can put a checkbox next to assignments and deadlines and check the task off after completing it. This is a simple way to increase motivation and reward work. As their to-do lists get smaller, students see all they have accomplished so far. 

4. Create a list of things to do when taking a break. 

This could include going for a walk, reading a book for fun, exercising or calling family or friends. Other activities include watching a documentary, researching something from a class, practicing an instrument, reading the Bible or journaling. Break ideas that keep one’s mind engaged will make it easier to jump back into homework when the time comes. 

5. Take a break. 

If a student has worked for a long time, his or her mind may just need some time to rest. The list above has some ideas for a productive break. 

6. Find or create a good study playlist. 

Bella Erickson, a junior psychology major, says that she likes “listening to a certain classical music soundtrack while studying and turning the same one on for tests” for online classes. Students’ brains become accustomed to working when they hear certain music, making the transition to homework easier.

7. Find a study spot. 

This could be a dorm room, the library or another location. Wherever it is, the lighting, noise and other environmental factors should not be a distraction. 

8. Make tea or grab a snack. 

This can boost energy and motivation, helping students get through studying without being distracted by hunger.  

9. “Read it, write it, say it and explain it.” 

Erickson finds that this study technique helps her succeed in her schoolwork. A process like this engages many different facets of one’s mind, allowing students to learn their materials thoroughly.  

10. Switch to a different subject. 

Herman says that it “just helps to change things up.” She also suggests walking around a little bit if the student cannot switch to a different subject. 

11. Create time just for rest. 

This could be Friday evenings, Sunday afternoons or any time of the week that is conducive to rest. Students should try not to work on homework or other school- or work-related activities during this time. Instead, they should focus on friends, family or hobbies. A reward like this makes all the work worth it.