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Many students are considering plans for spring break. Because of COVID-19, travel may not be possible for students this year, and they are left wondering what to do with eleven days of break. But there are many simple yet fun things students can do with family and friends over break. 

  1. Plan a road trip.

Even though students cannot travel right now, they can create plans for a summer road trip. They can find some friends to go with and research campgrounds or hotels in the area they want to visit. They can look up popular activities in the area, search for unique experiences and find fun restaurants.   

2. Spend time with family.

Alicia Korpi, a junior media production major, said that she enjoys spending time with her family when she is home. She said that she “pesters [her] little siblings until they come ice skating or play frisbee” with her. Spending some time with family is a great way to enjoy spring break.

3. Go ice skating.

Students can find a local skating rink, pull together some friends and enjoy time outdoors exercising. Afterward, they can enjoy a warm drink at a local coffee shop or at home. 

4. Go sledding.

Local public golf courses can be a great place to sled. Not only is it fun to speed down the hills, but students can get their workouts in as they hike back up. Hot drinks and fellowship with friends are good ways to finish time sledding.

5. Try a new recipe.

Baking or cooking something new with a sibling or parent can be a great use of time over break, especially if students have not seen their families for a while. They can make the food together and enjoy eating it afterward. 

6. Go skiing or snowboarding.

Students can find a local ski park and rent skis or snowboards for the day. This can be a fun way to get moving outside in the winter and learn a new skill. Some ski hills around the Twin Cities include Buck Hill Ski and Snowboard Area, Hyland Hills Ski Area and Afton Alps.

7. Go for a hike.

Students can discover new trails or hike through their favorite woods in the early spring. Korpi said that she loves “to run and explore new trails.” This is another great way to spend some time with family or friends. 

8. Go for a bike ride.

Will Jaenchen, a freshman PSEO student history major, says that he is looking forward to biking over spring break because he wants “fresh air and exercise.” This could be another great addition to students’ plans over break. 

9. Read a book.

If it seems too cold to head outdoors, students can pick up a new book or a childhood favorite instead. This indoor activity unplugs students from screens and social media and helps them rediscover a favorite pastime. 

10. Have a game night.

Students can grab a favorite game, friends and a go-to snack and play some games for the evening. They should try not to go on social media and just enjoy being in the moment. 

11. Take an online class.

If students have always wanted to learn something that is not related to school or offered in school, spring break is a great time to take a free online course on topics that interest them. 

12. Start a new show or have a movie day.

With little homework, students can start that new show they have wanted to see. Or they can pick a few different movies and enjoy a day of watching some great films.

While there is always homework over break, students should take some time to relax and do things they enjoy with family and friends.