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If you’ve seen the number of posters around campus, then you probably know that the Gray Havens are coming to the University of Northwestern on April 3rd. And you may be thinking to yourself, “Why should I go? I don’t even know their music.” or “Is it really worth the $10?” I get it! Why would you go to a concert where you don’t even know the music or whether or not it’s gonna be a good show?

Well, I have 5 reasons from Dave Trout from UTR Media (“5 Reasons to see TGH’s new tour” 2019) why you should spend that $10 and come listen to the Gray Havens that Wednesday night.

5. The Gray Havens make INCREDIBLE music. Not only are their albums masterfully produced, but their live performances are an unreal experience.



4. Their new album She Waits is jaw-dropping good. It was named one of the Top 11 Gourmet Albums of 2018. If you don’t believe me, listen on Spotify here!


3. Even if you don’t know the Gray Havens that well, they have the amazing indie artist Jess Ray as their opener. There isn’t another female artist that has a voice like hers!


2. It’s a concert right on campus (if a UNW student) and for those off-campus, it will be great night to meet other college-aged, music-lovers alike. So take a break from that studying and enjoy a night of encaptivating music and make new friends!


1.Don’t get that fear of missing out! We’ve all been in that situation where we know something super amazing is going on and become sad because something prevented us from making that choice. Well, make the right choice and get your ticket to the Gray Havens! It will be a night full of incredible music memories!


Get your tickets NOW!:

(Tickets also available in-person at UNW ticket office)