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Hey there fellow Remnant listeners, it is I, Tony Mansmith. Yes, you’re probably thinking, who is this guy, and what is he doing making blogs.  Well, I’ll tell you why. It is simply to communicate with you the listeners, and because writing is one of my great joys in life…even if I’m not the best at it. First off, I just want to say welcome to the brand new, and improved Remnant website. Pretty nifty, right? I thought so. Don’t worry, we are not really changing much on the radio station, but we do want to remind you of some really cool things coming your way regarding where we want to take this station.  Basically we want to be more engaged! We want the station to have a voice. So you will probably be hearing more of me…which could be a good thing or bad thing, depending on how much you like my voice. Second, we want YOU, the listener to be more engaged. Make sure to friend us on at TheRemnant. Third, we want this website to be a great hub for all your Christian music needs! That means, concerts coming up, album releases, and of course blogs from the remnant team, including yours truly.  Finally, I want to address that we are a station devoted to spreading the word of God, but also expressing that we are not perfect, but we are looking to the one that is, and that is Jesus. Which leads me to say, come for the message; come for God, but make sure to come and also stay for great personalities, and awesome music.  So make sure to come back every week, to read my blog, to check the website for new updates! As for now, I’m going to keep on listening to music. Tony signing off for now. – Tony


Tony is the program director at The Remnant, and is a huge music lover. He can also be found roaming the streets of  the Twin Cities looking for food.
