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It is difficult for many students to find a major that excites them, let alone one that motivates them. Savanna Deretich is an alumnus of the University of Northwestern – St. Paul who recently graduated with an Interdisciplinary Studies major that focused on political communications and family advocacy. Little did she know that the skills she learned in this uniquely tailored major would have such a big impact on her future career.

When Deretich was deciding where to go for college, one aspect stood out for her at the University of Northwestern. “Right away, I was drawn by the people and the Christian community,” she explained. However, one thing was missing. When she toured UNW’s club fair, she noticed that there was no Pro-life group and was compelled to start one. And so, she started the UNW Students for Life Club. The club grew rapidly and became a prominent club on campus, holding events that raised thousands of dollars for local crisis pregnancy centers.

A few students in the UNW Students for Life club on the annual pro-life chalk day. Photo from Savanna Deretich.

Deretich’s passion for the UNW Students for Life club coincided with her decision for a major. However, there was not a specific major that excited her. Deretich worked with UNW’s interdisciplinary studies program, which allowed her to tailor a degree that she was passionate about. Deretich expressed, “Because of the courses I took for my major at UNW, I gained the knowledge, tools, and ability to properly communicate, lead, and inspire my pro-life officers, group members, and the campus to be a voice for the voiceless.”

“Because of the courses I took for my major, I gained the knowledge, tools, and ability to properly
communicate, lead, and inspire…”

Savanna Deretich
Deretich representing Minnesota as Students for Life of America
prays for pre-born babies. Photo from Savanna Deretich.

Now graduated, Deretich is using her learned communication skills to work for Students for Life of America as their Public Relations and Policy Coordinator. Because of the opportunity UNW gave her to pursue a major she was passionate about, she now has the skills to “effectively communicate and promote the pro-life message through pro-life politics, lobbying, and public speaking.” Through Deretich’s experience, many students may find hope that they can also pursue a career that excites them and allows them to make a difference!