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One of the first jobs Emily Heck had right out of college was not her favorite. The business was unorganized, chaotic and stressful. This was not what she had in mind after graduating from UNW in 2017. This was one thing she wished she would have known: it’s okay to not get your dream job right away.

“Sometimes you might have a job you just don’t enjoy, but you don’t have to stay somewhere forever. Through having different jobs and internships you can figure out what you like and what you don’t like,” says Heck.

Through jobs she didn’t quite enjoy, she was able to gain friendships, learn and put something good on her resume.

When Heck started her journey at UNW, she considered a few other areas of study. However, her love and talent for writing drove her to pursue an English Literature and Writing major.

Since graduating, Heck has worked as a copywriter, marketing and content manager and freelance writer. She credits her experience with UNW’s English department as what helped her accomplish her goal of writing for a living.

When asked about any advice she would have for college students who are unsure about the direction they want to go, Heck says “Internships can be a great way to learn about the field you’re thinking of going into without having to commit to a job in it yet. Try reaching out to people who are in the field you are interested in. Talk to a few different people because everyone’s experiences are different.”

She recently started a new job after freelancing. Since she worked at home a lot, especially due to the COVID-19, Heck felt like she wanted a change. She now works as a copywriter at PLDG, a marketing agency, and really enjoys the job’s environment. As a copywriter she gets to do a little of everything. She writes and edits brochures, flyers, direct mail and presentations.

When asked if there was anything else students should know, Heck responds “Having an online portfolio is definitely a must. I wish I would’ve made one sooner. There are a lot of free ones out there but if you want to put in the money, I would say it’s worth it, since you’re sending it to employers and people who are interviewing you.”