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Sarah Scinto is a University of Northwestern — St. Paul alumni. She graduated in 2015 with a Kinesiology degree with a Sports Management emphasis. Currently, Scinto is a Senior Account Executive in Fan Relations at the Minnesota Wild. Her career began with the Wild when she worked as a Customer Service and Sales intern in 2015. Over the years, she gained more experience and worked her way up to where she is today.  

I never dread coming to work.

Sarah Scinto

Growing up, Scinto has always been involved in sports. This is why, when deciding where to go for college, she wanted somewhere to further her soccer career, as well as her education. Scinto mentioned that she liked the community and the atmosphere here at Northwestern, and that was one of the driving factors that shaped her decision. 

When it came to picking a major, Scinto switched a few times. She went from physical therapy to education with a physical education track, and she eventually ended up with Kinesiology-Sports Management. Scinto mentioned how the Lord kept closing doors in her choices with her first two majors, and it wasn’t until she took some business and marketing classes that she found her passion for sports management.  

On an average day at work, Scinto services 500 season ticket holders. She is always meeting new people and ensuring a positive member experience. Scinto’s job is essentially making the season ticket members feel appreciated and ensuring their commitment, as it means a lot to the organization. One example is sending fun little gifts to their seats at games.  

I love getting to know new people.

Sarah Scinto
The Minnesota Wild logo (trademark of NHL). 

Fun Facts

  • Sarah Scinto was part of the first class to graduate Northwestern with an emphasis in sports    management with the kinesiology major.  

  • One of her favorite classes was Intro to Sports Management.  

Advice for someone starting in this industry 

Scinto said that growing your network and getting to know Northwestern alumni is very beneficial, especially when starting out. She expressed the importance of doing things like informational interviews and connecting on LinkedIn.

It was amazing to get to hear Scinto’s journey on how she got to where she is today. She started from an internship and is now a Senior Account Executive in Fan Relations at the Minnesota Wild. Sarah Scinto followed her calling, and she loves what she does each and every day.