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Thanksgiving break is approaching, and UNW students are excited to close their textbooks and head home for a few days of rest and relaxation. Everyone comes from a unique family and background, which means traditions across campus vary greatly. We asked a handful of Eagles about their favorite part of the holiday. Here is what they said: 


Shelby Greven, MEL Student

Shelby Greven: Some members of my family live in different parts of the country, so we can’t get together for every holiday. Instead, we meet up around the end of November and celebrate all of the winter occasions on one weekend. On Thursday, we have Thanksgiving. On Friday, we have Christmas. On Saturday, we have New Year’s Day. There is a lot of food and football involved, too! 


Emily Wilder, Podcast Extraordinaire

Emily Wilder: “Every year my family likes to watch football and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. We also indulge in a delicious, special Thanksgiving treat: cinnamon rolls.”


Neely Farr, Professional Writing Major

Neely Farr: “My family gathers for a meal and an extremely competitive round of Left, Right, Center. LRC, as we call it, is a dice game with a huge pool of dollar bills at stake. Everyone plays, including my 94-year-old grandma and my two-year-old niece. The winner is granted gloating rights for an entire year.” 

We hope you have a peaceful Thanksgiving full of gratitude and delicious home-cooked meals. Be sure to take photos during your break and share them with the MEL. We would love to see how you and your family celebrate this special time of year.