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by Caleb Phillips 

So, so ready for a break.

As the days grow longer and the promise of warmer weather becomes a reality, students across campus eagerly anticipate their Spring Break, an annual respite from the rigors of academia. Amidst this excitement and anticipation lies a diverse set of plans as each student creates their own idea of what it means to relax and regenerate from the first half of the semester.

On the southern peninsula of Alabama lies Gulf Shores, a city largely known for its beautiful beaches and resorts. Senior business administration major Curtis Ferrin plans to spend his Spring Break in this beautiful area of the country with his family. Gulf Shores features unique architecture such as houses on stilts to protect from flooding. As a history lover, Curtis also looks forward to visiting historic Fort Morgan, a Spanish Fort built on the peninsula. Curtis believes that Spring Break’s purpose involves completely blocking out school for relaxation. He anticipates this vacation with family fulfilling this goal with the strong statement that “Sometimes the best things are the simple things.”

Sophomore ministry major Kolby Kestel sets his sights on a slightly different idea of what type of Spring Break best promotes relaxation. Kolby plans to join Campus Outreach, traveling to South Carolina. Students taking advantage of this opportunity work to maintain a hotel owned by Campus Outreach and receive free room and board for their trouble. Kolby looks forward to growing his relationship with Christ through this trip through such activities as the daily devotionals on the beach every morning.

“To me,” says Kolby, “the main purpose of Spring Break involves relaxing and healing from the quad. Taking a break from the stressors of life. This trip will help me grow closer to Christ and the people around me which goes a long way towards preparing for the next half of the semester.”

Although these plans sound enjoyable, relaxing, and purposeful, the majority of our empathy perhaps lies with Sophomore accounting major David Meissner who communicated a very respectable set of Spring Break plans.

“This quad, sleep does not exist for me. Because of that, my sleep during break will be very insane.”

As our fellow students go out into all types of activities and all areas, remember to pray for safe travels and a rewarding time for all.