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Article by Sophia Wahl


I often marvel at the world around me, specifically the night sky. I share David’s wonder at

how God placed every star in the sky and designed every planet, revealing himself through

Creation. How much more amazing is it that he created us to have a relationship with him?

This is what I think about while stargazing. I picked up this hobby in November of 2023 after

stumbling across an article detailing an upcoming meteor shower. Since then, I’ve made a

point to venture beyond the suburbs I call home and into the darkness, in hopes of seeing

incredible stars during the shower peaks.

In Psalm 8:3-4 David says, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the

moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him,

and the son of man that you care for him?” Psalm 8:3-4 (ESV)

Night Sky, Photo Credit to Stefan Cosma

I’m excited for the Orionids Meteor Shower, which will peak late on October 21 and early

morning on October 22. This is a great opportunity to embark on a stargazing journey if you

don’t have plans for fall break! After that, there will be two minor meteor showers in

November. The Taurids are from November 4 to November 5 and the Leonids are peaking

from November 17 to November 18, however the moon and city light pollution will likely

interfere. Regardless of the conditions, there is beauty to behold when surrounding

yourself with nature. While you’re out there, be sure to take some time to praise God for

the revelations of his majesty!