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Article by Amy Hase

Three Benefits of Christian Education

“The ultimate excellence is a total and complete reflection of Jesus Christ in all things – In every area and facet of our lives.”— William B. Berntsen, University of Northwestern President 1966-1984

College is a myriad of new experiences, challenges, joys, and rigorous academics. For most, this is a time of firsts: students are on their own, away from their family and childhood friends. It is a crucial part of one’s life, a time when the choices you make will have a lasting impact. It is a time for establishing a firm foundation for the rest of your life.

Although there is no right or wrong answer for where you are to go to college, there are benefits in attending a Christian university. Three of these benefits are the community, the curriculum, and spiritual growth.

  1. The Community

    Sweet community!

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” Psalm 133:1

Humans were designed by God to be social creatures. He created us for companionship in a variety of compacities, but especially in regard to other believers. It is important for followers of Christ to be surrounded by other believers. The Christian life is one of many trials, and it is not one to be walked alone. Being a part of a Christian school opens the door to finding many believers with a similar mindset. Instead of being one of a few believers at a public university, you have the opportunity to be immersed in an environment where you will be encouraged in your pursuit of Christ.

  1. Christ Centered Curriculum

Having the ability to learn of the things of this world that were so thoughtfully created is a blessing. And to do it in a setting where the Creator is acknowledged is far beyond compared to anything else.  A Christ centered education is one of infinite value.

In biblical, Christian education what you are learning about does not contradict the Bible, but instead embraces it, and makes Christ the center of it all. The professors and faculty view you as more than just another student, but as a fellow heir to the throne of grace. And while academic success is certainly of value, so is your spiritual growth.

“The academic teaching goes along with biblical teaching; you don’t have to separate your faith and your school, and you shouldn’t. Faith should be a part of every aspect of your life.” says Elizabeth Olstad, an Elementary Education Major with a desire to teach in Christian education.

  1. Opportunities For Spiritual Growth

    Praise chapel

While God can use any situation to draw someone nearer to Himself, it is wise to give yourself the resources to know Him more. At a Christian university, not only are your surrounded with endless materials to study, but you are also surrounded by so many other believers who are there to push you towards Christ. From godly professors to daily chapels and weekly Bible studies, you are surrounded with opportunities to dive deep into the word of God and strive to grow in your relationship with Him.

While higher education is not everyone’s calling, I would strongly encourage everyone to consider some time at a Christian university. The opportunities and experiences are priceless, and the relationships that come with the community are beyond compare.  By bridging the gap of faith and education, you are establishing a foundation of knowing how to seamlessly integrate your beliefs into all aspects of your life.