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As finals week is coming upon us, there is a great need for rest and relaxation. What better place to do that than the comfort of your own dorm? Luckily, there are a plethora of Christmas movies to watch during your classwork studying detox. And there is no better way to watch a Christmas movie, than with your roommates! Here are the top five Christmas movies to watch during your much-deserved study break.

#5 The Polar Express

This may be one of the most divisive movies on the list. There are many people who love this movie, and there are also some people who do not like this movie. Like it or not, this is a great movie to cuddle under a blanket and drink a mug of hot cocoa to. And listening to Tom Hanks telling you to believe can be the cure to a traumatic test experience.

#4 Home Alone

This movie almost guarantees a great evening. There are just so many iconic, quotable moments to laugh about with your roommates. Baby Macaulay Culkin beating the crap out of two buffoons while munching on some microwave popcorn straight up gives the comfiest vibes. If you’re looking to experience fits of side-splitting laughter, this may just be the pick for you.

#3 The Santa Clause 1, 2, AND 3

We have time before the dreaded finals descend upon us, why not engage in a Christmas Movie Marathon! Luckily for us, such a thing exists! There is so much fun and Christmas magic packed into Tim Allen in a Santa costume. You can also relive your childhood innocence around Christmastime, setting out cookies for Santa Claus. This is also just a good movie to watch with a warm cup of cocoa!

#2 Elf

Admit it, you knew it would be here somewhere. This is a classic Christmas film that stars Will Farrell as Buddy the Elf who finds his way to NYC in search of his dad. This is also a movie that you know you will laugh at, whether it be Buddy’s adventures in Gimbles or the classic line “He’s an angry elf”, you’re guaranteed to at least chuckle. And it’s a great chance to try syrup with spaghetti!

#1 The CLASSIC Cartoons

If you are looking for nostalgia, look no farther than the oldies but goodies! You know them: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, the list goes on and on. Change into your pj’s and eat all of the treats! The cool thing about these movies is, they are fairly short so they make the perfect study break. So you can delve into nostalgia, AND get homework done!

Merry Christmas Northwestern! Good luck on Finals!!!