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“College is going to go by fast.” Those are the words I heard throughout my college years from my family, friends, and professors. They were right! As I think about my four years at Northwestern, my time indeed flew by. Four years ago, I was an incoming freshmen attending orientation, and here I am, getting ready to graduate.

As someone who is graduating this May, I have been spending a lot of my time reflecting upon my college years. I find myself scrolling through my phone looking at old photos and videos reminiscing about the countless memories I have made along the way. Receiving emails about graduation and talking about graduation with my friends and family has made it so real that I am in fact graduating from college.

I will be graduating with a degree in Communication Studies and Bible with a minor in Business Administration, and I can confidently say that I have grown and learned during my college years. The classes, workshops, and internships have all helped me develop skills and better understand what I want to pursue after graduation. A lot of my learning happened in the classroom, but I think it is fair to say that so much of the learning happened outside the classroom.

My advice

  1. Find what you are personally interested in and take steps to pursue that interest. It’s important to get involved and have something to look forward to, something outside of class. I was involved in Worship Arts and Intramural Volleyball and loved it!
  2. If you’re able to, go for a minor. As a Communication Studies major, I wanted to go for a minor because I wanted to find a focus, something I was passionate about and take classes that would help me in my future career.
  3. Plan fun events throughout the week. We all look forward to the weekend as students, but wouldn’t it be even better if we had things to be excited about during the week? Explore new places, grab coffee, or study together with your friends.