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On Friday, November 13, 2020, communication students at the University of Northwestern–St. Paul will be inducted into Lambda Pi Eta, chapter Xi Xi. UNW’s chapter is advised by Professor Wendi Marshall and under the leadership of the 2020–2021 elected officers Emily Linden, Scott Krueger and Bereket Tumebo. 

As a member of Xi Xi, a student must be a currently enrolled communication major or minor, have earned a minimum of 60 credits and rank in the top 35 percent of his or her class. Members must be inducted to receive membership and member privileges such as voting, proof of membership certificate and a pin and commencement honor cord. Members receive opportunities to serve in leadership positions to promote the goals of Lambda Pi Eta on their campuses. The role of the officers is to organize activities like a society Christmas party and alternative chapels.

This year’s induction ceremony will look different than years prior. Initially, the ceremony was set to be in-person; however, with the recent increase of COVID-19 cases on campus, the event has been moved online. Linden, a junior public relations major and newly elected president of Xi Xi, says, “As officers, we have a really great opportunity to be creative in making this still seem like an honor and [an] experience for students, even though it’s going to look a little different.” 

Vice President Krueger, a senior media production major, hopes that this leadership position will foster community and networking. He says, “I think it’d be nice for people to feel connected with one another and kind of use this as a professional network, because we’re in this society, because a lot of us worked really hard and [because we] are hoping to reach whatever career goals or aspirations we have.” 

Secretary and Treasurer Tumebo, a senior communication major, also hopes to establish a community within the Xi Xi chapter. He says “that communication can still thrive in non-face-to-face settings.” Though these times have proven to be challenging, student leaders at UNW continue to lead with positivity, resiliency and servanthood. 

The name “Lambda Pi Eta–Xi Xi” is drawn from Aristotle’s book Rhetoric in which he describes the three elements of persuasion: Logos or Lambda meaning logic, Pathos or Pi relating to emotion and Ethos or Eta defined as character credibility and ethics. The society is part of nearly 300 chapters worldwide in colleges and universities just like UNW. Membership in Lambda Pi Eta is attractive on resumes and to employers. 

The 2020–2021 officers have aspirations to use their experiences at UNW and Xi Xi in their post-grad lives. President Linden aspires to be a PR practitioner at a nonprofit or PR agency. Vice President Krueger is currently applying for positions where he would oversee the video production projects. Treasurer Tumebo hopes first to return to his birthplace of Ethiopia and then launch a podcast and clothing brand to produce content. 

The list of the 2020–2021 inductees are as follows:

· Laura R. Anderson

· Bryce Bennyhoff

· Hans Boyum

· Christine Chamberlain

· Thaxton Gamache

· Meghan Gattorna

· Olivia Hagstrom

· Monique Harbaugh (Mazier)

· Amy Kalan

· Scott Krueger

· Emily Linden 

· Benjamin Lundsten

· Carson Mithelman

· Jennifer Miyano

· Olivia Raun

· Katy St. John

· Bereket Tumebo

· Kari Tverberg

· Kristina Winger