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For Dalton Jordahl ’20 Communication Studies it is the people who make University of Northwestern – St Paul’s communications program so special. Today, Jordahl continues to work in an environment that values people, as an Admissions Ambassador for the Free Lutheran Bible College.

Jordahl (back right) poses with students. Photo submitted. 

Jordahl sees the value of UNW beyond mere academics. One of the reasons that brought him to UNW was the Christ-centered community. During his time at UNW he says that he learned to rely on the Lord in everything that he did. “What matters most is not my career but the people I surround myself with and my relationship with the Lord,” says Jordahl.

“What matters most is not my career but the people I surround myself with and my relationship with the Lord.”

Dalton jordahl

Jordahl also values UNW’s communication department, “If you want to have professors who genuinely care about you and are teaching you skills for the workplace, then this is the place you should go.” He regards two of the professors in the communication department, Dr. Jackie Glenny and Wendi Marshall, as being his biggest mentors during his time at UNW. He says they made him feel seen and cared for. He really appreciated the intentionality that the faculty at UNW showed. 

“If you want to have professors that genuinely care about you and are teaching you skills for the workplace then this is the place you should go.”

Dalton jordahl

When asked about his recommendations for current UNW students, Jordahl had several comments:

  • Don’t try to do everything at the last minute. Plan out your semester and life. 
  • Shine brightly in your job whether it is easy to do so or not.
  • Find a job you love where you make a difference.

Jordahl is living his own advice. He loves his job as an Admissions Ambassador at the Free Lutheran Bible College. Jordahl has history at FLBC. He attended FLBC for a two year biblical studies program before transferring to UNW to complete his undergrad. In Jordahl’s job, he has a lot of variety. He helps with myriads of different outreach projects, from traveling to summer camps to represent FLBC to sending out hundreds of texts to high school students. He also helps plan on-campus prospective student events, lead student tours, go to area high schools and youth groups and help to coordinate/gather material for social media.

Jordahl manns an FLBC booth at an outreach event. Photo submitted. 

The best part of his job is its focus on pointing people to Jesus. He doesn’t focus on numbers, he just wants to help people find the place where God wants them to be. Ultimately, Jordahl values the people that are in front of him.