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As spring comes around in Minnesota, it is important that people take time to soak up the better weather, the sun rays and hopefully more socially distanced time outside with loved ones. It was hard for many people to be away from others during the lockdown in 2020, but winter made it more difficult with worsening weather and less options to be around others safely. Looking ahead to spring and summer, there are ways people can take care of their mental health and personal well-being. 

First, people can go outside. This is not always easy to do, but it is probably one of the most attainable ways to reset the mind and body. People can put on some sunscreen, go outside, soak in some vitamin D, get a breath of fresh air and breathe deeply.

Second, another great option is to connect with others through socially distanced walks, meals in the park or even FaceTime and phone calls. Being connected with loved ones is important for mental and physical health, and it is important to let people know they are loved. 

Third, spring is a great time to pick up a good book. This may be a lot harder during school because students constantly have their noses in books or computers, but integrating some fun and intentional time to connect with the mind and body is important for well-being. In addition, flowers and plants can give the body a serotonin boost and help calm people.

Fourth, people can journal and spend time alone. It is imperative that people know what is going on in their minds and hearts and that they observe how they feel and respond to the world. 

Hopefully, as the semester continues, more things will open up, more connections can be experienced and people can begin a new normal.