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After graduating high school in 1972, Neil Stavem knew he wanted to work in the radio industry. Stavem chased fame and fortune but didn’t succeed with either, so he knew a change needed to be made not just in his professional life but also in his spiritual life. In 1973 he decided to attend the University of Northwestern – St.Paul. Forty-five years later, Stavem plans to retire this July as Northwestern Media’s Director of Programming and the Station Manager of Faith Radio.

Stavem grew up in a Christian household. When it was time to go to college, he found himself at a vocational-technical college enrolled in a nine-month course in audio communications. Stavem’s four roommates who were not strong in their faith opened his eyes to see that the grass was not greener on the other side of Christianity’s fence. “I was chasing fame and fortune but not attaining either,” says Stavem. He knew he needed to make a change. Stavem grew up listening to KTIS, so he enrolled at the University of Northwestern – St. Paul.

God’s word done in God’s way will never lack.

Neil Stavem

During Stavem’s time at UNW, he took general courses along with working at the radio station on the weekends, where he met radio broadcasting instructor Bill Weiss. Both Stavem and Weiss had a background of working at small-town radio stations, so they connected over that. After completing two years of general and Bible courses he decided to leave UNW. He met and married the woman he now gets to call his wife and started driving a school bus.

But Stavem was craving something different. One day he saw an application for KTIS and decided to apply. When the general manager was going through the applications he asked Weiss’ opinion on the candidates, asking if he knew any of them. “I know Stavem” replied Weiss. The rest, as they say, is history. Forty-five years of investment in pursuing Christ and pursuing his craft. Stavem’s connections made as a student benefited his professional life. Connections remain as important now for your professional journey.

UNW professors provide great resources for building connections. Another is the UNW career center which can assist students in finding ways to create contacts with people in their field of study. Just as Weiss was able to vouch for Stavem because of the connection they built with his time at UNW, current students have the same opportunities.

For additional ideas and more information about how to get connected to people who can potentially benefit you in the future visit Career Development