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God is handcrafting beautiful stories on the University of Northwestern–St. Paul’s campus. These stories are lived out by future Eagles, current students, those graduating this spring and graduates. 

Many seniors are counting down the days until graduation, whether in excitement, sadness or a mix of both. When applying at UNW, commencement day seems forever away, but forever arrives much sooner than expected. 

Soon-to-be graduates are often asked about their plans after graduation. While some already have opportunities set in place, others have no idea what God has in store for them. Perhaps the networking they did during their college career will be successful, or maybe they will enjoy the summer off before being fully immersed in the career world. 

For some traditional students who previously did PSEO, it may seem odd to be graduating earlier, and some may feel like they should stay for an additional few years. 

Qashr Middleton, also known as “Q,” is UNW’s current student body president. He is a ministry major with a non-profit leadership concentration, and will participate in the May 14, 2021, graduation ceremony.

He has learned the “importance of connection and Christ-like community” during his time at UNW. After graduation, he plans to return and finish his Master’s degree in ministry leadership. 

Bracston Siemens is a 2014 UNW graduate who majored in youth and family studies. He enjoyed the professors he had. He said, “I still talk to them to this day when things come up that I need advice on.” 

While at UNW, he learned “…the value of friendship and how crucial it is to have friends who point me to Jesus.” 

Siemens is now the youth and family director at Buffalo Free Church, or BEFC, in Buffalo, MN, where he is appreciated by many students who are part of BEFC’s youth ministry. He said, “Jesus radically changed my life at UNW through the friends I made there.” 

Some students are sad their time at UNW is coming to a close, while others cannot wait to leave their college career behind and venture into whatever next steps God has planned. It could be writing, film making, nursing, ministry, editing or whatever lands on their path.