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By Jeremiah Holdsworth, Indie Vision Music

I always love a good acoustic/folk/pop album.  Something I can just pop in the cd player and enjoy with my wife, as we work around the house, or drive to a particular destination.  She’s not so big on music as I am, but JJ Heller is one of those few artists, that she’s really into.  I was excited a few months back, when JJ had announced a new album coming out, and we couldn’t wait to have it soak up our brains.
First thing I noticed about JJ’s new album “Loved” is that it is more polished pop, then acoustic/folk/pop of past albums.  I fell in love with JJ’s acoustic/folk/pop sound, surrounded by honest and compelling lyrics from her previous albums.  This album takes her more commercially driven direction from “When I’m With You”, and goes even more forward, from acoustic/folk/pop to straight pop.  Added are electronic keys and more electric guitar than ever, but the honesty in the lyrics are still as strong as in the past.

For the track-by-track review, head to