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On Thursday, Dec. 9, five Communication department students were inducted into the National Communication Association honor society for college students, Lambda Pi Eta. There are approximately 500 active chapters nationwide.

University of Northwestern – St. Paul’s chapter, Xi Xi, celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Since its establishment in 2001, there have been approximately 235 UNW students inducted.

Xi Xi’s newest members signed the 20-year-old induction book and ate pie with one of the original members of Xi Xi, Dr. Eric Netterlund, who serves as the faculty advisor for the society.

This fall’s inductees included:

  • Elena Nowlin – Public Relations/Communication
  • Hannah Martin – Media Production
  • Keegan Goldfarb – Media Production
  • Ethan Connor – Media Production
  • Grace Sprehn – Business Administration (Public Relations minor)

Membership of Lambda Pi Eta is composed of undergraduate students who have declared an interest in the field of communication and have achieved a high level of academic excellence.  To be eligible for membership, students must:

  1. Have completed 60 semester hours in undergraduate credit courses
  2. Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0
  3. Have completed the equivalent of 12 semester hours in courses in communication
  4. Have a grade point average of at least 3.25 in these courses
  5. Be in the upper 35% of their graduating class
  6. And be currently enrolled as a full-time student in good standing