Article Written By: Luci Fischer
Professor Watkins and a handful of students from her Mass Media & Society course visited The Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life March for Life on Wednesday, January 22. It was filled with speakers, music, and thousands of baby dolls that represented the thousands of abortions that took place in Minnesota last year.
There were a total of 14,124 babies aborted in 2023, which was 16% more than the year before, making it a 39% increase since 2021. Although the temperature and windchill may have deterred some people, there was still a good turnout. At this march, there were around 1,500-2,000 people making a stance on their abortion law beliefs and standing up for life, from the very beginning.
The program was short and to the point, which was good given the temperature and impatience of the many young children there. According to UNW student Lillian Kraft, “There was a lot of energy there.” The march on Capitol Mall was at noon with the program going from 12:30-1 p.m.
The program started out with the song Amazing Grace, which the crowd joined in to sing. After that, the president of MCCL welcomed the crowd by saying, “It’s a good day to be an American!” and talking of the gift of life. The speakers then shared a common slogan: Governor Walz has taken Minnesota from the land of 10,000 lakes to the land of 14,000 abortions. There was a testimonial given by a woman who sought an abortion but instead gave her life to the Lord. Her child that she planned to abort is now ten years old and the woman is now the director of a pregnancy center.
There were signs at the march displaying messages like “Support her, protect them” and “I am the pro-life generation.” Homemade signs quoting movies or books like “A person’s a person no matter how small” from Horton Hears a Who and “Fetus nondeletus!” with icons from the Harry Potter movies were scattered throughout the march. MCCL’s March for Life was extremely impactful to those that attended and hopefully Minnesota legislatures will think so too.