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Rescuers looking for survivors amidst the rubble. [pic creds:]

On February 6, 2023, southeastern Turkey and northwestern Syria were hit with a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, reports. Unfortunately, this earthquake was not the last one they witnessed that day. According to the news report, another earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 hit them once again, a mere nine hours after the first. There has been a lot of destruction, and over 20,000 deaths were reported so far, with rescue teams still searching for survivors in the rubble (

The map of where the two earthquakes hit. [pic creds:]

What can you do to help?

Despite the distance between Minnesota and Turkey and Syria, there are many things you can do to help. Here are a few ways:

  1. Keep those affected in our prayers. This is a traumatic and fearful time for so many people, so we must lift them up to God with our prayer.
  2. If you are able, there are several places donating money and resources. One of these places is Feed My Starving Children, which is an organization that packs meals for those in need. They have started to send emergency response meals to Turkey and Syria. By donating money to them, you are helping to aid them in the continuation of sending out those meals. Visit this link to donate.
  3. Don’t have the funds to donate at the moment? That is alright! You can still raise awareness to those around you about this disaster by sharing this story with your family, friends, and social media.

For more information, visit this article.