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Article By: Noelle Rogers

If you’re a college student in the Saint Paul area looking to connect with others and grow in your faith journey, Salt Company might be the place for you.

Salt Company, connected to Redemption Church, is a vibrant college ministry dedicated to helping students know, love, and follow Jesus throughout their lives. Salt is determined to prepare Christ-centered students to go about their lives living on the foundation of Jesus. Through Thursday night gatherings, campus groups, and retreats, Salt aims to foster spiritual growth and community among students.

“Salt Company has given me a space to truly grow in my relationship with Christ. It provides a community that I never thought I would need. It is so cool to see all my friends coming together every week to be on fire for Jesus!” – Mallory Moseman, a UNW student who regularly attends Salt.

The name, “Salt Company,” draws inspiration from Matthew 5:13, where Jesus tells his disciples, “You are the salt of the earth.” This idea of being a positive influence in the world lies at the heart of Salt’s mission. Ephesians 2:8-9 serves as a guiding light for the ministry. It states, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” This verse emphasizes grace and faith as the core of our salvation, reminding students that their relationship with God is a gift.

Salt welcomes students from various colleges in the St. Paul area, including the University of Northwestern – St. Paul, the University of St. Thomas, St. Kate’s, Macalester College, Concordia, Hamline, St. Paul College, Metro State, and UW River Falls. With 30 Salt Company campuses across 15 states, 1,476 student leaders, and reaching over 8,000 college students, Salt is making a significant impact on campuses nationwide. Every Thursday during the school year, students gather at Summit Church in the heart of St. Paul at 8 p.m. These gatherings feature student-led worship, scripture teaching, and plenty of opportunities to connect with others in the Salt community. It is not about putting on a show; it is all about celebrating Jesus together.

Salt emphasizes the importance of deep relationships through campus groups, where students can ask questions, build friendships, and explore the Bible in a safe and welcoming environment. Campus groups are small get-togethers among students at each university designated to dig deeper into the previous Salt service.

“I love leading a campus group because I get to see the girls step into wisdom and sharing and learn to be more confident in what the Lord is teaching them.” – Campus group leader, Karis Letexier.

“Salt Company has profoundly shaped me spiritually, offering life-changing mentorship and friendships. Being a leader is rewarding as it challenges me and allows me to pour into others. It fosters a beautiful, God-honoring community centered around Jesus.” – Says Naomi, a UNW campus group leader.

Salt Company holds several events throughout the school year to strengthen students’ faith. Once a year, Salt hosts a conference in Des Moines, Iowa, bringing together college students from across the country in worship, fellowship, and discipleship. It is a time to recharge and refocus on the Lord. Salt also offers a class called, “Gospel 101”. This is a five-week course designed to explore the core message of the gospel and equip students to share it with others. It is an essential step in growing closer to Jesus and living for Him.

Salt is ultimately a community where college students can find belonging, purpose, and a deeper connection with Jesus amidst the busyness of college life. If you would like to know more or get connected, visit