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Students at the University of Northwestern – St. Paul are interested in a plethora of different activities. Sports, theatre, cooking, school, music and many other activities draw in students in today’s world. Only some of these students plan to make a career out of their hobbies, but the students that have a desire to release music put everything on the line to achieve this.

Allison Eide, recent UNW graduate (2021).

Releasing music on different streaming platforms is an extensive process. The process starts with writing the song before the production covers most of the time. After production, marketing and advertising the upcoming release is next as what is arguably the most important step.

Different artists have various strategies for the marketing stage, so commenting on what it looks like for her, recent UNW graduate Allison Eide said that she “didn’t do a very good job at it” when she released her debut single and the following extended play. She talked about using multiple social media platforms to create hype for her music when it was all completed and ready to be released. Eide noted that it is important to recognize your intentions with the music that you are going to release so that you know how much effort to put into advertising it. “I wasn’t trying to go big,” Eide said about the first time she released music. She went on to talk about how sometimes it can be as simple as just being a teenage girl and wanting to share your music.

In the production of her music video, Eide worked with numerous people that made it possible. Eide worked with a videographer and a choreographer to take some of the pressure off her shoulders. She also worked with musicians that she hired to play some of the instruments in the song that would become the track for the video. The music video was shot in the summer and released when she got to school in the fall. Going to school only helped increase her following.

After the first song on the EP was released, Eide wanted to put together a promotional concert to release the rest. In the two months leading up to the release, Eide was able to secure a location, an audience and hype for her concert. The concert was a success as over 300 people came to show their support for Eide.

Cover photo of “In the Moment,” Eide’s debut EP.

Balancing school, music and other jobs might be a concern for students that have an interest in releasing their music. Most people would have a challenging time doing it alone, and Eide had a tough time even fathoming that. Eide’s father told her that it’s about being “a product of really good people.” Her father has been in the music industry for over 20 years and has provided Eide with a lot of helpful advice in her own musical journey. Not only has Eide received advice from her father but also help in networking.

While releasing music can be a fun, exciting way to express your creativity, it can be mentally draining. It is important to surround yourself with people that are willing and able to support you in your musical journey. We all listen to music daily, and it’s thanks to students like Allison Eide that we continue to have new music to listen to. So, when you’re walking to your next class, consider checking out Eide’s “In the Moment” wherever you get your music.