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My Public Relations Writing and Tactics article is due tomorrow.

It’s difficult to find the perfect place to study and knock out this assignment. I could study in my dorm room to zone in and be comfortable in my own space. But, being surrounded by friends in the Robertson Student Center (the STUD) sounds fun. I could sip a latte and hear the hiss of the espresso machine in an off-campus coffee shop. Berntsen Library offers a quiet area with other diligent students working on their assignments, but those big bright windows in the Billy Graham Community Life Center (the Billy) offer cozy, warm sunshine.

The options are endless!

Where am I going to work on my homework? Making a decision that works best is tough.

I love the buzz of people around me in the STUD. I get to see so many of my friends. It’s nice to be in community with others.”

Jaedyn Rausch, sophomore early childhood education major

To help decide a spot and learn more about my peers, I conducted a poll on campus about UNW student study habits. Below are the top five most popular places on campus to study. Maybe you’ll find your new spot!

85% Dorm room

According to my poll, the overwhelming majority of students will spend a lot of time working on homework in their dorm room. Personally, this is my favorite spot. I like that I have minimal distractions (besides the ease of opening Netflix, of course). Additionally, I like to have anything I might need to use at my fingertips. My room is the easiest choice. I can be in my pajamas while doing homework—the dream!

35% The STUD

The STUD features huge windows that elevate your study experience. Photo by Reagan Soper.

Ah yes, the STUD. Always busy. Always fun. The STUD is where community and homework converge. Half of the people sitting in the STUD are faithfully trying to complete their assignments; the other half of the people just want to have a good time with their friends. The STUD is a mix of everything and that appeals to many students.

29% Off-campus

Beautiful latte art from Spyhouse Coffee. Photo by Reagan Soper.

I love a good off-campus study trip. There are many places to go whether it be going to your house, a restaurant, library, you name it. Personally, I love going to a good coffee shop. The atmosphere makes homework enjoyable. Additionally, it can spark creative juices.

There are a few coffee shops in the area that stand out to me:

23% Berntsen Library

The Berntsen Library provides a cozy environment to get all your work done. Photo by Reagan Soper.

Visiting Berntsen Library will spring productivity. Surrounded by people who are working as hard as you, you can excel. This library has so many options to enhance your study time.

If you need silence while studying, head up to the second floor. It is the quiet floor with many seating options.

I enjoy a seat by a window, so I can work and look at God’s beautiful creation at the same time. In these winter months, I find that it is important to be surrounded by nature whenever I can.

Don’t forget about the librarians; they are there to help you! If you are ever stuck on some homework, reaching out to a librarian never fails to help.

If you ever need a relaxing break from studying, there is always a puzzle in the library. I can spend hours decompressing and putting puzzle pieces into place.

12% The Billy

The Billy is my go-to place for studying. I like going right after chapel when it’s not super busy yet. The fireplace upstairs keeps me warm on cold days.

Sarah Davenport, freshman music major

The Billy has many places to go to study in it. You can grab a beverage at the Heritage Café and sit at a table there. There are a bunch of cushioned seats and small tables surrounding the downstairs. You could also go upstairs, buy some food and sit down at one of the dining tables.

Additionally, the Billy is a great space to work on group projects with each other. There is space to spread out and it’s easy to chat.

Choosing the best spot to study from all the great choices is a great problem to have! A dorm room, the STUD, off-campus, Berntsen Library and the Billy makes the decision process tough. But it doesn’t have to be. Choose the spot that allows your creativity to shine. Change it up every so often and work in all these places. Just get comfortable and accomplish your goals.