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Article by Grace Arrigoni

Northwestern offers opportunities for students to gain internship experience within their major. Professors can help connect students with organizations looking for interns. Grace and Shelby, senior communications students, connected with EmpowerARC through a connection Dr. Jackie Glenny had with a previous student. EmpowerARC is a non-profit organization that travels to high school health classes around the Twin Cities area sharing truth about staying pure until marriage.

This internship is quite out of the ordinary but holds immense purpose in the students’ lives. While beginning the process of writing the presentation, Grace and Shelby felt unequipped to encourage students because it was a topic they had never spoken on before. But the challenge offered growth and trust that the Lord is faithful even when do not see it.

Shelby sharing her testimony

“After my first time speaking, I felt very discouraged because the students did not seem to get anything out of my message. However, Jenny [EmpowerARC Director] encouraged me that even if one child is changed that it is all worth it. After that, I started to see my speaking in a different light.”  Shelby Greven, Intern at EmpowerARC

Although the fruits of speaking on purity may not come to fruition in a classroom. This topic is important to share because not all schools promote staying pure until marriage. Some schools share a wide variety of ideas which can be confusing to students. It is rewarding presenting to students and hearing the impact it has on them. “It changed my mind set and motivated me to wait.” (HS Student).

If you are interested in interning with EmpowerARC, contact Jenny Ochs at for more information!