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Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a published author? Well, student Maya Englehorn shares her experience in finding inspiration in an unexpected way. Maya and her cousin Kate Westphal give a memorable retelling of their experience in life through poetry in “Blood Sweat Tears … Live”

When asked about her writing process and inspiration Maya said the book has been a work in progress since 7th grade, and in the spring of 2020 she and her cousin started to bring their ideas to life. In describing what this book is about, Maya said that these poems are a way for individuals to process and analyze their emotions.

“I found God’s faithfulness through this project and it brought me growth in my life”

Maya Englehorn

Maya and her partner Kate had to work hard to bring this together and it sometimes was hard, but the final product was worth the wait. Maya said that when the book was finished it was a moment of freak out to see and hold the book in person. Both Maya and Kate contributed so much to the book that it truly is a beautiful representation that can bring you into a new mindset.