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Broadcasting at 98.5 HD4 Minneapolis, The Remnant is run by Northwestern College students who are seeking to better their God-given abilities in radio broadcasting. Christ is asking us to manage and run this radio station to develop our skills and encourage one another.  God has blessed us with really nice studios! He has been merciful!  We don’t deserve these studios, but he has entrusted us with them.  To whom much is given, much will be required!  How will we manage his mercy?  Remember the parable of the talents?  Jesus gave his servants many talents told them to manage it well until he returns. He blessed those who managed well, and nuked those who did not.  So, we can either work hard at The Remnant, humbly and wisely, or we can do it badly.  A non-response to mercy is not an option.  Jesus calls us to be on fire for him.  We pray that students are passionate about Christ and passionate about radio.  We hope students see the great joy in the most visual of all mediums. The Faculty advisor stresses getting involved and not worrying about making mistakes!  Be strong and courageous and feel his good pleasure. The Remnant is not about being perfect, it’s about relying on the one who is.