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Ambitious students enrolled in film workshop kicked off their annual 24-hour film challenge last night at midnight with the goal of producing an entire short film in only 24 hours.

Script changes and temperamental actors and directors. It’s all part of the fun.

Given no prior preparation, three groups of students write, shoot and edit films from one of three genres: western, mystery or spoof.

The fun ends at midnight tonight. “Everybody is tired and definitely a little delirious, but we’re all having a great time,” reports executive staff member Raeann Goetz.

Most students participating in the 24-hour film challenge are newbies. Some have never been on a film shoot before, but they are thrown right into the depths of film making. As imagined, a lack of sleep and an over dependence on caffeine make for memorable laughs and practical on-the-job learning.

Any Northwestern student may enroll in the student-led film workshop – or any of the other workshops such as radio, public relations, video – all available through Northwestern’s communication department and their in-house media agency,