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By Dave Trout, Under The Radar

DT: How did the overall theme and concept come together for Light for the Lost Boy?Andrew:  I don’t want it to come across as if this record is a cry for help or anything. But it does deal with some, you know, prettydeep issues.  But the thing is, I don’t think they are issues that are unique to me. I think everybody has a ten-year-old version of themselves that they remember being and that little kid is living inside of us and that kid is usually looking around wondering what went wrong with our lives, ya know?  And… and so, I don’t know why, but seeing my kids grow up has not kind of put some flesh on that idea – the grieving of our loss of innocence. At the same time as it’s kind of stirred up some memories in my own youth that. I did remember them, but I hadn’t really stopped and thought about them, you know?  I think there’s a lot to be learned from your childhood.  And I heard, I think it was Flannery O’Connor who said that “Anybody who has survived their childhood could write a book.”  I think everybody’s childhood is rich with stories.  Rich with pain and loss and moments of overwhelming beauty. I think most kids can put their finger on some things like that and so I don’t know why, but I’ve always been intrigued by that idea.  And I think that’s part of why I love stories the way that I do, I’ve always longed to feel young and innocent.  Because I know that I’m not.


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