Blogs Song of the Day: “Together” by For King & Country Have you heard the new song, "Together" For King & Country released April 30, 2020?…the MEL: Media Entertainment Lab (staff)May 2, 2020
Blogs Verse of the Week: Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.Romans 12:12 The first command…the MEL: Media Entertainment Lab (staff)April 27, 2020
Blogs 5 Things You Might Not Know About Hillsong Young & Free Have you heard of Hillsong Young & Free? Young & Free have been working hard…the MEL: Media Entertainment Lab (staff)April 27, 2020
Blogs Verse of the Week: 1 Corinthians 13:6 " Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. " -1 Corinthians…the MEL: Media Entertainment Lab (staff)April 27, 2020
Blogs Good Friday: God Rested. Andrew Peterson closes out his Resurrection Letters Prologue EP with this stunning perspective on the…the MEL: Media Entertainment Lab (staff)April 10, 2020
Blogs Verse of the Week The Remnant's Verse of the Week this week is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. “Rejoice always, pray…the MEL: Media Entertainment Lab (staff)April 6, 2020
Blogs Holy Week: Song of Day- Andrew Peterson’s Well Done Good and Faithful This is a strange Easter season but God still reigns. Andrew Peterson wrote a series of album’s…the MEL: Media Entertainment Lab (staff)April 6, 2020
Blogs Staying Productive At Home Are you easily distracted working from home? Here are some tips to help you be…the MEL: Media Entertainment Lab (staff)April 2, 2020
Blogs Song of Day: Melanie Penn “Don’t Worry” We are cooped up in our homes and probably reading lots of headlines. So it's…the MEL: Media Entertainment Lab (staff)April 1, 2020
Blogs Verse of the Week The Remnant's Verse of the Week this week is Job 11:18. And you will feel…the MEL: Media Entertainment Lab (staff)March 30, 2020