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Social isolation and the lack of in-person learning, and activities last year changed many elements of campus life. Students were encouraged to stay at home and if they spent any time on campus, they were required to wear a mask. This changed where many students spent their time. To make up for this lack, campus social media accounts started to advertise their spaces in new ways. UNW’s Berntsen Library was one of many to take on the challenge of social media and fill their building with familiar faces once more.

This past quad @unwbernstenlib has posted:

  • Book battles
  • Library tips
  • Advertisements
  • TikTok videos
  • Challenges
  • Interactive content

Some of the content included naming the library plants, sending out a follower challenge to gain a library fish and snail, appropriately named Dewey and Decimal respectively, and posting seasonal content to encourage people to come discover new elements every few months.

While some have struggled with the transitions that the last few years have brought, others have learned to roll with the punches. @unwbernstenlib reminds us that even in the midst of a long school year, there are ways to make learning a game.