California based Christian activist group Carry the Love led a two-day event of worship and teaching in Nazareth Great Room and the Stud classrooms January 24-25. Some students report the experience as uplifting while others recall a slightly different feeling. While some students could be seen down on their knees with outstretched arms, others were seen with crossed arms and hesitant expressions.
The first night of the event, the two speakers shared vulnerable, powerful and highly personal testimonies. Preaching against solely emotion-charged worship with an emphasis on the gospel message, the night, seen in the faces of audience members, struck a positive note with some. In lieu of the group’s name, a major theme was representing Christ well by loving well. The speakers advocated for inviting others into the community of believers by loving them in the midst of brokenness.
According to one student, the night, “…felt almost…shallow?”
– Anonymous
Spanning for almost two hours, some students, however, think the first night was a flop. These students claim the music choices were not powerful and that the activist group actually put into practice the emotion-based worship which they were preaching against. As the worship slides continuously glitched and the organization’s taped up flag slowly slid down the wall, the night took on an unprofessional and almost irreverent tone.
The second night of activities was characterized by small group styled, one on one time. Whether the group was stoking a false fire or invoking an impassioned revival is something only time will tell.
Follow this link Carry The Love | Facebook to their Facebook for more information.