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Valentine’s Day came and went. Some enjoyed it, some did not and others were indifferent. It may seem like the next holiday is not until Easter on April 4, 2021. But there are a lot of holidays to celebrate before Easter, like National Banana Cream Pie Day, National Napping Day and plenty of others. There are 160 national days in March alone, and these holidays should be more widely known and celebrated. 

Both Heather Jones and Brooke Harms said that World Teen Mental Wellness Day on March 2 was the most important national day in March to acknowledge and celebrate. 

Jones, a senior Bible and intercultural studies major, said it was important because “There is not near[ly] enough awareness about teens who are going through something and struggling with mental illness. We need to be more open to talking about mental illness and wellness.” 

Harms, a senior pre-nursing major, said“ ,Mental health is often neglected, yet it is so important to take care of, especially in younger people who haven’t developed as many proper coping mechanisms yet.” 

Jones said she was most excited to celebrate National Awkward Moments Day on March 17 because “I have a lot of those awkward moments, so I may as well live it up on that day and do a lot of awkward things.” 

Harms said she is looking forward to March 14: “I’m actually always excited for Pi Day! I know it’s more about the mathematical constant … but I love any excuse to celebrate with pies.” 

In addition, National Something on a Stick Day is on March 28. This is the beauty of national days: If there is anything worth celebrating, there is a day for it sometime. There are plenty of important days that should be acknowledged and held in reverence, but some days one can celebrate by carrying a marshmallow on a stick around all day. A lot of the days are silly and unnecessary, but it is good for people to smile. 

With the world in its current state, there could be more laughter, even if it is because someone celebrates Poultry Day on March 19 by buying a pet chicken. There is no reason not to celebrate these national days.