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UNW senior Savanna Beaurline graduates in December with a degree in Political Communications and Family Advocacy in the IDS program. Passionate about fighting for the rights of the pre-born, Beaurline has already landed a job with Students for Life, a nonprofit in Washington, D.C. as a lobbyist, and will start work in January.

Beaurline’s other interests are theatre and music. She spent time as a young student on the Northwestern campus participating in piano competitions. Her love of UNW’s faith foundation and friendships with students already attending the university led her to enroll here. 

She started out as a psychology major who wasn’t entirely sure how her passions would translate into a career. She soon felt the Lord calling her to pro-life work. Following His direction for her life, she combined classes in Communications, Political Science, and Family Studies to form an IDS major that would serve her career needs best.

As the president of Northwestern Students for Life on campus, Beaurline’s enthusiastic, engaging and confident persona will take her far. 

December 9 at 3:30 p.m., Beaurline will be debuting her senior capstone project, a pro-life video that she has been working on all fall semester. The video will provide young adults talking points for speaking out for the protection of those who don’t have a voice – and may not be allowed to live long enough to have one.