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by Sara Rodriguez-Gaines

3 Enticing areas on campus you should check out…

1. The Hidden Storage Room
The Naz building holds lots of valuable areas and mysteries, which make it a terrific place for scavenger hunts, games, and unknown rooms. This first place might be a bit difficult to find, however behind this door exists a concealed secret, can you guess what it is? Inside lies a plethora of Northwestern storage, perfectly tucked away in the Naz basement hallway. Check it out – someone might let you take a peek inside!

Door to the unknown…


2. The Art Basement and Pottery Studio
Students in the Art & Design programs utilize this space as a creative area to assemble and cultivate their art. Oftentimes, students can unleash their inner artistic imaginations and concoct phenomenal pieces for the Denler Art Gallery and or for projects. The area inspires and challenges students to further advance in their God-given artistic skills. Near the top level, you will also find a secluded room that houses the pottery studio.

A magical place!

3. Trails on campus
Walking and or finding new trails on campus is an excellent way to get outside, relax, and take a break from studying. One of the more scenic and popular trails lies on the Island with sensational places to take photographs or places to pause and enjoy a quiet moment with Jesus.

Where might this lead?

So, the next time you need a diverting adventure, head on out to your campus to explore the nooks and crannies and mysteries that Northwestern holds.